Safety Procedures and Guidelines

The following is a list of our Phase One in-person worship service guideliness. These guidelines are meant to help ensure that we present ourselves to the governor, mayor, local law enforcement, general public, media, and our church family, as having done more than what is required to ensure the safety of our church family during Phase One.

It is very important that our church family follows the Phase One Safety Procedures and Guidelines. Those who choose to attend must understand that their compliance with Phase One guidelines is necessary for the safety of others and the testimony of Waldron Road Baptist Church.

During Phase One the following will be observed:

  1. Our church will not have nursery, on-site Sunday school classes, or worship practice.
  2. We will have limited seating. Each pew will have six foot social distancing spacers placed between attendees. Families will be asked to sit together.
  3. The wearing of masks and gloves is up to each person.
  4. No handshaking or hugging at this time.
  5. We will have limited entrance into our church. Everyone please enter through the Main Lobby entrance. 
  6. We will have a hand sanitizing station in our lobby.
  7. We will not pass offering plates. Offerings may be given in the offering plates located in the rear of the auditorium as guests exit or online at
  8. If you feel sick, please stay at home.

We encourage our senior saints, those with compromised immune systems, and those with underlying health issues, to continue to enjoy our online services and not attend services onsite during Phase One. 

Please pray for God to bless our regathering and to give safety to our entire church family.